The Assistance Cart
While one of the many charms of Fire Island is the prohibition of almost all motor vehicles during the summer season, it can present difficulties for those residents and visitors with mobility challenges. The Association funds and operates the free Assistance Cart during the summer season to help make our community accessible to all Association members and their guests. Please note these changes to the Assistance Cart service due to the current coronavirus situation: - rides to/from the ferry only - please provide 12 hour prior notice for pickup so that we can be sure a driver is available; you will receive a call back confirming your ride Please call 516-761-4405 to make a reservation Assistance Cart Rules 1. Must be a member of the OBPA 2. Elderly or disabled passengers only 3. Not for personal use 4. No boardwalk pickups 5. No freight pickups 6. Weekends only: Memorial Day - June 30; Full service July 1 - Labor Day (if driver available) 7. 9am - 9pm on weekdays, 8am - 10pm on weekends 8. 12 hour notification requested, except emergencies 9. No travel to Seaview or Ocean Beach at any time except for doctor or religious services Our OBPA volunteer drivers will be provided with the cart cell phone and passenger schedules for the day and will answer calls for future pick-ups. |